Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 5, 2020

Tủ chống cháy 90 phút Ecosafe

HSX: Ecosafe Thụy Sỹ

Có đủ các dung tích
The flammable and/or explosive products have to be stored in safety cabinets. The cabinets EN 14470-1 have a fire resistance allowing protecting the products from a potential fire. We offer 30, 60 or 90 minutes fire resistance ; the 30 and 90 minute ones being also available in multirisks cabinets for the storage of several types of chemicals. On the other hand, the safety cabinets EN 14470-2 have a 30 minute fire resistance and allow protecting gas cylinders in case of a potential fire.

DĐ: 0986 817 366

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